How to enjoy Nijo Castle! (Tips, Cost and Visiting hours)

What you find from this article

  • History of Nijo Castle and places which you must visit
  • Tips for sightseeing at Nijo Castle
  • Cost of sightseeing at Nijo Castle


Nijo Castle, located in the heart of Kyoto, Japan, is a testament to the country’s rich history and architectural prowess.

Built in 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, this historic castle has witnessed centuries of cultural development.

Today, Nijo Castle invites foreign travellers to immerse themselves in its grandeur and explore the secrets hidden within its walls.

And I will give you tips on how to enjoy this place and how much to pay.

Let’s go!!

Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川 家康) (details)

Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川 家康) was a Japanese warlord and one of Japan’s ‘Three Great Masters’, a great leader who united Japan with his former lord Oda Nobunaga and his colleague Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He seized power after the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and was appointed shogun.


No Japanese knows Tokugawa Ieyasu!!

About Nijo Castle

Significant castle in Japanese history

Built as a residence for the Tokugawa shoguns during their visits to Kyoto, Nijo Castle has played a pivotal role in Japanese history.

The castle was the scene of important events, including the great political gesture of the 15th shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, who surrendered his power to the imperial court in 1867.

When you visit this place, you will certainly feel the Japanese history.

picture by Photo AC

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Nijo Castle was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 (Heisei 6) as part of the cultural heritage of the ancient capital Kyoto.

The castle contains buildings and beautiful gardens designated as national treasures and important cultural assets and is highly valued for its historical and cultural value.

Its inscription as a World Heritage Site was an opportunity to promote the history and beauty of this wonderful castle throughout the world.

Places you must visit

Kara-mon (唐門)

Kara-mon, erected in 1625, the main gate of the National Treasure Ninomaru Palace, is an important cultural asset and must-see site.

The gate is decorated with many carvings symbolising congratulations, such as cranes, turtles, pine, bamboo and plum trees, dragons, tigers and Chinese lions, making the gate even more ornate.

National Treasure, Ninomaru Palace (二の丸御殿)

picture by Photo AC

Many of the most famous castles in Japan actually have reinforced concrete keepers, and only 12 castles have ‘surviving keepers’ that have remained from the time of their foundation.

However, only four of them have surviving ‘goten‘, which are not keepers, but rather residences.

The Ninomaru Palace has more than 3,000 paintings on its walls, 1016 of which are designated as Important Cultural Properties.

The palace also has the famous nightingale corridors of Kyoto.

Try to walk without making a sound!

Ninomaru Garden (二の丸庭園)

Ninomaru Garden is a shoin-style garden that stretches next to Ninomaru Palace and was created when Nijo Castle was built.

For more than 200 years, counting from Iemitsu III to Iemochi XIV, none of the shoguns visited Nijo Castle, and during that time the garden fell into disrepair.

Tips for an enriching visit

  • Comfortable footwear:The castle grounds cover a considerable area and comfortable footwear is recommended for exploration.
  • Guided Tours: Take a guided tour to gain a deeper insight into the historical anecdotes and architectural details.
  • Photography: While capturing the beauty is encouraged, photography may not be permitted inside some buildings to preserve delicate artefacts.
  • Seasonal sensations: Visit during the cherry blossom or autumn foliage seasons for a breathtaking natural backdrop.
  • Early Bird Advantage: Arrive early to avoid the crowds and fully appreciate the tranquil atmosphere of the castle grounds.

Entry fee / Ninomaru Palace viewing fee

  • Adult: 1,300yen
  • Middle and high school students: 400yen
  • Primary schools’ student:300yen

Only Entry fee(not included Ninomaru Palace)

Adult: 800yen

Opening hours

8:45am – 4pm (castle closes at 5pm)

Closed day

29-31 December

Days on which viewing of Ninomaru Palace is suspended

Every Tuesday in January, July, August and December, 26-28 December and 1-3 January every year.

Visiting hours

1 to 1.5 hours


In conclusion, Nijo Castle is an indispensable chapter in the cultural history of Japan.

From its historical significance to the architectural marvels within, every corner tells a story.

Embrace the whisper of the nightingale floors, marvel at the exquisite artwork and step back in time as you explore the captivating realms of Nijo Castle.

Nijo Castle
Address:541 Nijojocho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8301
HP:二条城 世界遺産・元離宮二条城 (
Opening hours:8:45 – 16:00 (castle closes at 5pm)