I went to Kifune Shrine!! “God of Water” How to get there??

Introduction to the Kifune Shrine

Hello, everyone!!

I’m JiJi who is a Japanese blogger!

Today, I wanna share my visiting Kifune Shrine in Kyoto because it was great experience for me!

Kifune Shrine

Nestled in the tranquil forests of Kyoto, Japan, lies the enchanting Kifune Shrine, a sacred sanctuary brimming with centuries of history and spiritual significance.

This hidden gem offers travelers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and invites them to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Japanese culture and tradition.

Unraveling History and Significance

God of water

The Kifune Shrine, dedicated to the deity of water and rain, has been revered since ancient times for its mystical connection to nature and its role in protecting against floods.

Legend has it that the shrine’s origins date back more than 1,300 years, when a goddess descended from the heavens and settled in the Kifune Mountains.

Today, visitors flock to the shrine to pray for blessings related to water, such as safe travel, bountiful harvests, and good fortune.

Water divination

When I arrived at this shrine, I saw something unusual: water divination.

This is a very interesting method of divination in which I wet a piece of paper in water and the result of the divination comes out.

I put in 200JPY, and I did!


By the way, there are ranks in fortune-telling (divination).

From the bottom, 大凶(worst), 凶(bad), 小吉(so-so), 吉(good), 中吉(lucky), 大吉(best).

As you can see, my result was 小吉(so-so)…

But it was not so bad!

Experience the Serenity

As I enter the grounds of the Kifune Shrine, I was greeted by a sense of tranquility that permeates the air.

The path leading to the main shrine is adorned with vibrant vermilion torii gates and towering cedar trees, creating a picturesque setting that feels like stepping into another world.

It was like my being in a movie.

It was amazing!!

picture by photo AC

How to get Kifune Shrine

You can get to Kifune Shrine from Kyoto Station by bus, train or taxi.

The first way (bus and train)

  • JR Kyoto Station ⇒ Kokusaikaikan Station (Karasuma Line: 13 minutes: 260JPY)
  • Kyoto bus stop: Kokusaikaikaikan Sta. ⇒ Kyoto bus stop, Kifune-guchi (20 minutes: 280JPY)
  • Kyoto bus stop: Kifune-guchi station mae ⇒ Kifune (5 minutes: 160JPY)
  • Kifune ⇒ Kifune Shrine (5 minutes: on foot)

The second way (taxi)

Taking a taxi

JR Kyoto Station ⇒ Kifune Shrine (40 minutes: about 6,000JPY)

Tips for visitors

  • Wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking on uneven terrain.
  • Respect the sanctity of the shrine by refraining from loud conversation and maintaining a peaceful demeanor.
  • Don’t forget to bring some yen for offerings and souvenirs.
  • Capture the beauty of Kifune Shrine with your camera, but be aware of where photography is allowed as some areas may be restricted.

Opening Hours

Main Shrine Opening Hours

6:00~20:00 (5/1-11/30)
6:00~18:00 (12/1~4/30)

Water divination


*Open all year round and free of charge.


Kifune Shrine beckons travelers with its ethereal beauty, rich history, and spiritual allure.

Whether you’re seeking solace in nature, blessings for your journey, or simply exploring the cultural wonders of Japan, a visit to this mystical sanctuary promises an unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after you leave.

If you are planning to visit Kyoto, please visit Kifune Shrine!

Have a good travel!!